Thursday, June 23, 2011

A letter to my dear friend

Dear friend,

I am glad to intimate you about monsoon in my city. Summer had soaked my life-sap in these last days, but I am feeling fine after this afternoon shower.

This afternoon, weather was quite good. I went up to terrace to adore view from my artistic eye. I clicked some photographs and then sat down near stairs. By that time a raw drizzling rain had started. I tried to keep myself safe from water and thought of enjoying the rain from dry place, with a dry body. Then, I experienced a different experience. It is funny that things you have lived and never kept in memory, just left a pointer to those things would come to your mind at these odd times, when you are in contact with nature. I had your words in my mind, “I like rainy season, but somewhere I feel that rain is like someone is sad above and is weeping for his loss.” I never believed those words of yours. Even I asked if you were kidding with me.

Then, suddenly I got up and went under the open pouring sky, leaving behind my dry comfort. I walked on my terrace for some time and then sat down in a corner of the terrace. I looked up at sky, there was a loud noise of roaring of clouds. The sky expressed it violent emotion through lightening. 

I sat there for some more time till rain slowed down and thought, ‘Maybe I was right that you were kidding with me for what you feel about rain. But now It seems that somewhere someone is weeo=ping and sky is under that emotion. You were right, that sky weeps sometimes. And I wished I could tell you that I terribly miss you.’ I cleared a tear rolling down my cheek.

Yours loving

Sunday, June 12, 2011

"Walking miles"

With a bag on my back, 
and a pen rolling between my fingers,
I look up at blue sky,
and try to draw clouds on my sheets,

with a bottle of water,
and a heart full of thrist,
I take sips of the water,
praying and thinking that it might rain,

I walk, I walk, miles and miles,
passing woods, valleys, mountains,
maybe you are hiding somewhere there,

I keep faith in my seeking,
I keep faith in love,
I keep faith in HIM,
and I find faith in myself, 
to walk a thousand miles,

with a diary in the bag,
and the pen tires of rolling,
I write down all my experiences,
maybe someday, we would cherish my adventures,
maybe all my walks throught these places,
will let you know how much I have always cared to love you,

and tonight, when everything is silent except my beating heart,
I have no options but to wipe my tears,
and cherish all the distances which I still have to walk,
and while I write in the diary,
clouds are there in dark blue sky turning it black,

I write my walks,
I write my heart out,
again thinking, maybe you have come to know,
that I am walking miles to meet you,

sky have showed lightening,
maybe rain comes tonight,
and maybe it is your answer...

Gaurav Saluja

Monday, June 6, 2011

A poem from my heart

A women's heart

Some flowers would always dream to be besides a tree,
as the tree would never let her forget the process of blossoming,
but it would not peep in the heart of the tree,
as the flower's heart itself has its intricacies and beauty inside,

So is a women's heart,
and her desires for love, life and he’s heart,

she would look out of a window in a dry wintry night,
to ask sky for some heat to be showered on next day,
as she has always loved to feel warmth of the sun,

but in a bright winter morning,
she would cover her eyes,
as she is afraid of the sunshine to get mixed,
with depths of her beautiful eyes,
and would feel the day with gaps between her fingers,

she is a mystery to 'he',
her a heart is even a mystery to herself,
she would dream to fall in love,
and her night-prayers would be her longings to fall in love,

she would wish to kiss her mate harder every time,
but when the moment comes,
she would turn cold and dropped eyelashes,
and her closed eyes would only melt the depths of her eyes,
not the beauty of her heart,

as she has herself tried and know her heart,
and give to you on your lips,
but may be its her other desire to always live with mysteries,
which has made the love an enigma,
and her kiss a flurried way of to know herself,

well, what can you say at last,
when you know that life is not different from ‘a women's heart’,
both will be with you to rise up,
or would be a reason for your fall,

maybe God want us(he's) to fall deep in love with them(she's),
as to know deeper meaning of life,
and deeper love buried in mysteries of her heart,

maybe some night,
when she has discovered a bit of herself,
and you are lost in your world of dreams,
she would whisper in your ears,
her secret, or maybe she dies with same the secret inside,

maybe she needs true love,
which she is afraid when she discovers it in her heart,

maybe she needs to be beside herself,
walking down the aisle looking at the flower and the tree,
as the flower can choose to be beside tree,
or be by herself and discover the secrets of blooming forever…

Gaurav Saluja