my thoughts


"You can tell me that I cannot fly, 
well I know that,
but can you tell me not to try?
maybe I can fly,
 not literally,
 but with my work and tries"

Gaurav Saluja


"A reason is not always reasonable."

 Gaurav Saluja


 "I asked stars, 'do you answer our prayers?' 
Stars answered, 'only if they have faith as deep as 
distance between you and me.'"

Gaurav Saluja


"There is a deep buried treasure of love and compassion inside all of us. If one discovers it then, he can share other treasures out there(waiting to be shared)."

Gaurav Saluja


"Trust HIM for your difficult times. For HE(god) 
knows, how much you can bear and how
 much you have to learn to bear."

Gaurav Saluja


"A poet is a voyager, always trying to
 find an imaginative paradise."

Gaurav Saluja


"A man who leads is nothing but 
a person with a unique idea 
and courageto put it into effect!"

Gaurav Saluja


"There is no leader in a revolution. All we have is
 unheard voices and their claim for their ultimate goal!"

Gaurav Saluja


"Fear held inside, is the 
fear transcended outside."

Gaurav Saluja


"A good thought may let you awe, but it will 
always make you think that it was obvious 
thought, which you could express in words."

Gaurav Saluja


Manmohan Singh said...

(II) thought is very good, keep up phil-o-so-far!

A bit of me and my writings said...

Thank you D.u.d.e! :)

Manmohan Singh said...

VI thought is goood

Unknown said...


then i said : "so..should i think you dont answer...coz i feel like m touching u evry nite...ur lite helps me to find mah way...."

A bit of me and my writings said...

Wow Abhi... I would say that this guy should write thoughts too...nice lines brother :)

Mrinal Somani said...

nice thoughts..

A bit of me and my writings said...

thank you MRINAL :)