With a bag on my back,
and a pen rolling between my fingers,
I look up at blue sky,
and try to draw clouds on my sheets,
with a bottle of water,
and a heart full of thrist,
I take sips of the water,
praying and thinking that it might rain,
I walk, I walk, miles and miles,
passing woods, valleys, mountains,
maybe you are hiding somewhere there,
I keep faith in my seeking,
I keep faith in love,
I keep faith in HIM,
and I find faith in myself,
to walk a thousand miles,
with a diary in the bag,
and the pen tires of rolling,
I write down all my experiences,
maybe someday, we would cherish my adventures,
maybe all my walks throught these places,
will let you know how much I have always cared to love you,
and tonight, when everything is silent except my beating heart,
I have no options but to wipe my tears,
and cherish all the distances which I still have to walk,
and while I write in the diary,
clouds are there in dark blue sky turning it black,
I write my walks,
I write my heart out,
again thinking, maybe you have come to know,
that I am walking miles to meet you,
sky have showed lightening,
maybe rain comes tonight,
and maybe it is your answer...
Gaurav Saluja
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