"I was in search of sane,
I never found a single one perfect,
and when I stopped searching,
I found humans..."
May 21st, 2010
Day started with advices to keep yourself healthy after donating blood. My father who had gone through this noble phase served me with milk and cornflakes. His advices were quite edible with my early morning breakfast.
In college all of us (who were interested in donating blood) wrote application to our Principal. After requisite permission we left for the camp. Some of us there didn't fetch their Id proofs. So, I came back to my college and took their temporary Id's. Most of us (who were eligible) donated blood and we had our refreshments.
There was on boy 'Yuvraj'. He was very happy that for the first time he was going to donate blood. But he was not 18+. So, he couldn't make it. While I was donating blood, he was standing besides me. I tried to placate him by saying some flowery words. He listened to me. But I could read his eyes. He was not happy with the denial. He left to meet his other mate who was donating blood.
I was resting on the bed. My blood was rushing out in a bottle, but inside my blood was rushing to my mind too. I felt an inciting human spirit in the boy's eyes. A spirit which shows that a human stands for human. Whether his is half sane or more. But when it comes to take a stand for a cause then, something weak (and lovable) part of humans make them do noble works.
When we came back to our college. I could see all sharing union of noble smile.
And... I
This day I got an idea about how far can a human sane limit ranges. May be it is a bit of a lesson. But I am sure life will help me feel more of its context. :)
Gaurav Saluja
u write very well
thanks Ashok :)
i m visiting this blog 1st time & it's really interesting.
Thanks Idea(As per the name written) :) Hope to see your comments in future. :)
God Bless your high spirits, justifiably ecstatic after doing a noble cause , I would like to sight a phrase " Remember a little bit of fragnance always clinges to the hands which gives roses ." Keep it up .
Its Awesom.....
"U r giving d world d best u hav & certainly d best will cum bak 2 u..."
V knw 2day many kids, adults r dying evry second coz no 1 comes in front 2 serve helping hand but ppl like u r d angels 4 dese pitiful, wrethed ppl...
Vry wel done...
God Bless U dear....
Isha :)
Hey, thanks Isha. I revere your words and praise but I am trying to do the very bit I can do for this world. Keep reading!
the perspective of perception is important,my saint kindly tell me me what do u mean by less sane people????.excellent work keep it up.
Thanks Tanu. I don't know your real name still I request you to not treat me as saint. And if I believe that humans (leaving exceptions) don't show characteristics of sanity. everyone has apart of insanity which may be called evil or being ignorant to socialism.
Liked the confession, nicely quoted like a diary entry. Thoughtfully done. Keep on.
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